The DataShare API
The DataShare API provides access to all the datasets stored in DataShare. The API implements RESTful interfaces to allow developers to perform simple queries on the available data. XML and JSON representations of the data are available.
Getting started
The DataShare API lets you programmatically access tens of thousands of records and query the data in several ways, using the url and additional parameters to specify the data you would like returned.
Some simple API requests
Details of all categories
Search for all available data categories, their descriptions and the URL stubs needed to access them. DataShare domain followed by /api/
Example: returns a list of all available data categories.
Schema details
Search for all available datasets within a category, their descriptions and the URL stubs needed to access them. DataShare domain followed by /api/Category/The category to be queried.
Example: returns a list of all datasets in the Finance category.
Uploaded data files
Details of the data files uploaded to a dataset. DataShare domain followed by /api/Category/The category that the dataset is in.SchemaName/The dataset to be queried.
Example: would return a list of all uploaded datasets for Payments over £500 in the Finance category.
Full inventory
A full list of all schemas, associated meta data and the data files uploaded to them. DataShare domain followed by /api/esdInventoryThe esdInventory request.
Example: returns a list of all available data schemas, their associated data files and meta data.
Dataset definition
The definition of a dataset, including column names, types, etc. DataShare domain followed by /api/Category/The category that the dataset is in.SchemaName/The dataset to be queried followed by the definition request.definition
Example: would return a list of all the columns in the Payments over £500 dataset in the Finance category.
A simple API request with a filter added
All of the data in a dataset that contain a keyword(s) in one field can be returned by specifying a schema URL (as above) and adding the following:
SearchTypeThe type of search to perform (see below for the full list).?fieldToSearch=FieldToSearchThe field to perform the search on.&searchText=SearchTextThe text to search for (This should be HTML encoded).&format=ReturnFormatThe format to return the data in (options are XML or JSON).
Example: ../SearchByTextContains?fieldToSearch=AccountDescription&searchText=Miscellaneous&format=xml would return all data for Payments over £500 in the Finance category paid to miscellaneous.
Search types
Search for entries in the field <fieldToSearch>
that exactly match the word (or words) <searchText>
- fieldToSearch
- searchText
- format
Example: ../SearchByTextEquals?fieldToSearch=AccountDescription&searchText=Miscellaneous&format=xml
Search for entries in the field <fieldToSearch>
that contain the word (or words) <searchText>
- fieldToSearch
- searchText
- format
Example: ../SearchByTextContains?fieldToSearch=AccountDescription&searchText=Misc&format=xml
Search for entries in field <fieldToSearch>
that are exactly equal to <searchText>
- fieldToSearch
- searchText
- format
Example: ../SearchByNumberEquals?fieldToSearch=Amount&searchText=1480&format=xml
Search for entries in field <fieldToSearch>
that are greater than <searchText>
- fieldToSearch
- searchText
- format
Example: ../SearchByNumberGreaterThan?fieldToSearch=Amount&searchText=1480&format=xml
Search for entries in field <fieldToSearch>
that are greater than or equal to <searchText>
- fieldToSearch
- searchText
- format
Example: ../SearchByNumberGreaterThanEqualTo?fieldToSearch=Amount&searchText=1480&format=xml
Search for entries in field <fieldToSearch>
that are less than <searchText>
- fieldToSearch
- searchText
- format
Example: ../SearchByNumberLessThan?fieldToSearch=Amount&searchText=1480&format=xml
Search for entries in field <fieldToSearch>
that are less than or equal to <searchText>
- fieldToSearch
- searchText
- format
Example: ../SearchByNumberLessThanEqualTo?fieldToSearch=Amount&searchText=1480&format=xml
Search for entries in field <fieldToSearch>
that are between <from>
and <to>
- fieldToSearch
- from (DD-MM-YYYY)
- to (DD-MM-YYYY)
- format
Example: ../SearchSchemaDate?fieldToSearch=TransactionDate&from=29112005&to=11102006&format=xml
API request for a particular dataset file that was uploaded
A list of all the files that have been uploaded for a dataset can be returned as follows: DataShare domain followed by /api/Category/The category that the dataset is in.SchemaName/The dataset to be queried.Dataset/The dataset file to show.?format=ReturnFormatThe format to return the data in (options are XML or JSON).
Example: would return all data for Janurary 2011 file uploaded to Payments over £500 in the Finance category.
There is a currently a limit on requests of 10,000 returned results. If you need to return more results than this please get in touch with us.
URL search
The following are examples of how to open a dataset's view page with a pre-defined search:
Example search by text field:
Example search by number field:
Example search by date:
Bugs and feature requests
We're always trying to make DataShare better. So, if you spot any bugs or have any feedback, stories of how you're using DataShare, or feature requests please let us know via our contact page.