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  • 2001 census - base data

    These documents present a number of key Census 2001 statistics in full for Bracknell Forest, England and Wales, the South East of England Berkshire and each of the Berkshire unitary authorities. Data at ward level is also presented.
  • 2001 Census - Key statistics analysis

    These documents are the written and graphical interpretations of the key data in report format, broken down into 6 subject areas, including a headline summary report.
  • 2001 Census - technical appendix

    These documents present key Census 2001 statistics in summary tables broken down into 6 subject areas.
  • 2001 census information

    Information from the 2001 census
  • 2011 Census data - All Berkshire unitary authorities

    These tables provide detailed 2011 Census statistics on a range of topics.
  • 2011 Census data - Bracknell Forest Borough Wards

    These tables provide detailed 2011 Census statistics on a range of topics for all Bracknell Forest Borough wards.
  • Business rates live accounts

    Data for all businesses that have occupied premises in the Bracknell Forest Council area
  • Business rates relief awarded

    Data for all businesses in the Bracknell Forest Council area that are currently receiving mandatory and/or discretionary relief.
  • Council contracts over £5000

    A database of council contracts over £5000.
  • Council performance actions

    Council performance actions
  • Council performance indicators

    Council performance indicators
  • Councillor allowances

    Councillor allowances. Allowances paid from 2020 are available on our public website - www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/councillor-allowances
  • Current list of Section 31(6) deposits

    Registers of Section 31(6) deposits and Definitive Map Modification Order applications. The lastest list of Section 31(6) deposits is on our website: www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/parks-and-countryside/public-rights-way/register-deposit-statements
  • Details of public health funerals

    Information about details of public health funerals.
  • Equalities monitoring reports

    The latest equalities monitoring reports are on our public website - www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/equality
  • Equality impact assessments

    Equality impact assessments (EIAs) are tools for assessing the implications of decisions on our workforce and the community. The latest EIAs are on our public website - www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/equality
  • General website statistics

    General website statistics
  • Key statistics at a glance - Berkshire Unitary Authorities

    Following the release of the Census 2001 Key Statistics (in February 2003), the headline data for Bracknell Forest and the other five Berkshire Unitary Authorities has been converted into a series of quick glance documents.
  • Key statistics at a glance - Bracknell Forest borough wards

    Key Statistics for Bracknell Forest borough wards.
  • New business rate accounts created within the last month

    New business rate accounts created each month.
  • Number of public health funerals

    Information relating to the public health funerals we have carried out.
  • Payments over £500

    Payments made by the council to suppliers that are over £500 in value. Payments after December 2020 are available on our public website - www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/transparency
  • Penalty charge notices issues

    The number of penalty charge notices issued.
  • Publication scheme

    Information published by Bracknell Forest Council.
  • Register of modification order applications

    Under section 53(5) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 any person may apply to the authority for an order to modify the Definitive Map and Statement of Public Rights of Way. The authority is required to record all applications received for modification orders in its register of applications, within 28 days of receipt.
  • Senior salaries

    The latest senior salaries are on our public website - www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/transparency
  • Summaries of census data

    The Office for National Statistics released the first Census 2011 data, containing population by age and occupied households, on 16 July 2012. Further data has been released in stages, and the final data release was from July to October 2013. As more detailed data has become available, documents have been produced to summarise the information and show how the population of Bracknell Forest has changed from 2001 to 2011.
  • Tenders

    The following invitations to tender have already been issued by the council to pre-qualified suppliers. They are not 'open' tenders.
  • Website availability

    We aim to ensure that the website is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Website visits by device

    Website visits by device